Rosemary Garlic Chicken and KALE!

It neared closer and closer to 7PM… the time Job would be home.  We had discussed earlier in the day while he was working that we would be making some kind of chicken for dinner. 

imageAs he arrived home and settled in, we started throwing around ingredients to decide what we wanted to make for dinner.  I had been having a rosemary craving for a couple of days and suggested some sort of rosemary garlic chicken.  He agreed, but neither of us had a recipe to go from, just thoughts of what we wanted our food to taste like when it was done, so I hopped on the internet… and I found this recipe. 

It seemed super easy and we had all of the ingredients.  Before we started, I looked over a few reviews and noticed that they had all suggested a few things that we took into mind while creating our dish.

We prepped 2 boneless chicken breasts, chopped up some lemons, squeezed out some lemon juice, found a nice little baking dish and got to work.


2 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

1 Large Clove of Garlic, Chopped

1 Tablespoon of Dried Rosemary

1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice

Salt and Pepper to Taste

Olive Oil

1/2 Lemon

Prep Time: 5-10 Minutes

Cook Time: 25-30 Minutes

First we preheated the oven to 375.

Next we squeezed out some lemon juice, and sliced the lemons and chopped up some garlic.  imageWe also set aside 1 TBSP of dried rosemary.image

We put a small amount of olive oil in the baking dish.  

Next we laid down the two chicken breasts side by side, evenly scattered the garlic and dried rosemary on top, added some salt and pepper, and poured the lemon juice over the breasts.  We laid the lemon slices on top of chicken breasts to keep the moisture in.


We placed the dish in the oven and set a timer for 12 minutes.  Many of the reviewers recommending covering the dish half way through cooking with a sheet of foil to make sure the meat stayed moist throughout cooking.

We ended up cooking the chicken for about 30-35 minutes.  The recipe says 25 minutes, so it depends on your oven.  Just make sure the juices run clear.  (We also cut into our chicken just to be safe.)


While the chicken was baking, we moved on to our side dish, which we also found here.


1 Bundle of Kale without stems and ribs (We used a 200g (i think?) bag)

3 Cloves of Garlic, Chopped

Olive Oil



Salt and Pepper to taste

Prep Time: 5 min

Cook Time: 5 Min

For this recipe, we loosely followed the instructions and kind of made up our own rules. We cut down on the garlic because Job was afraid he would have garlic breath and had to work the next day, and no one wants garlic breath at work.  We also added some bacon as some other reviewers had suggested because we love bacon.

While Job was chopping the garlic and the bacon, I put some olive oil into the bottom of a large cooking pot and heated it up.  image

Next I put the kale into the pot.  I added about 2 TBSP of water and put the pot on low heat with a cover.

Job, after chopping up the garlic and bacon placed it into a frying pan to cook the bacon through and brown the garlic a little.image

We then added all of that to the pot with the kale and cooked it on a medium heat for about 5 minutes while continuously stirring.  The kale leaves will turn a bright green and will be wilted once cooked.image

Once we finished our kale, we were just about ready for dinner.  We had some leftover Lentil and Quinoa salad that we used as the grain base for the dish.


This is a super easy recipe.


1 Can Lentils

1 Cup Quinoa (uncooked)

Spring Onions

Feta Cheese

Prep Time: 5 Min

Cook Time: see quinoa instructions on package.

For this recipe, Open up a can of lentils.  If there is an excess of liquid in the can, pour it out.  Pour the lentils into your serving bowl.

Next, cook up a cup of quinoa, making sure first to wash the quinoa to remove the bitter taste. 

While the quinoa is cooking, chop up some spring onions.

Add the spring onions to the lentils.

Once the quinoa is done cooking, add that into the bowl as well and crumble some feta cheese on top.  Mix well and you’re done!


So… how was dinner?

Well, the chicken was super super moist and tasted so fresh.  The rosemary was not overpowering at all, and neither was the garlic, which is good because no one wanted to have garlic breath.

The kale was zesty and not too garlic-y either, which was perfect.

The Lentil and Quinoa salad perfectly balanced out the meal with a less acidic taste compared to the garlic of the kale.  Everything was super tasty and I would definitely eat this one again!image

If you have any questions or comments about the dish, please feel free to write to us and let us know how everything turned out!

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