Two Months

Wow! Time flies.  Yesterday marks two months of me living in the Netherlands.  At this point, I’m really starting to feel more comfortable with my surroundings and more like I’m fitting in.  

I’m starting to understand more and more Dutch, even if it’s just a small word here or there.  I’m usually able to figure out the basis of a conversation and somewhat understand what people are talking about around me, so that’s cool.

I’m actually working.  Right now I’m working 4 days a week which is way better than no days a week.  I can understand when people come up to me and say, “Ik heb een vraagje” or “Ik heb een afspraak.” If I’m fast enough I can also throw in a “Ik spreek alleen engels.” (These are the most important things for me to know for work right now.)

All of my colleagues are friendly, welcoming, and genuinely seem like they’re interested in getting to know me.  It’s really nice to feel welcomed into a new place.  

The weather is getting warmer and the sun has been out more.  The weather here is a lot nicer than at home in ‘Lil Rhody.  

Job and I are trying desperately hard to make it through this last month with our limited funds (I will hopefully finally make a pay check [and if I’m super lucky, get my tax return]) and create great food after we come home from long work days. We will also continue looking for our next place of residence.

Things are really going well and I’m having a great time! (And I think Job is too!)