
The night before last, as I sat on our balcony staring at the sunset while swirling my wine, the first thing…well the first person… that popped into my mind was my sister; mainly because I was swirling my wine, and well, my sister is living in Italy… and she likes wine, so I texted her just to check up on things.

We got to talking and we landed where we land a lot.. talking about food.  This time, it was food we missed.  We talked about what Job and I made for dinner and how she was jealous…and then a small story about peanut butter… but really her list of things she missed was just glorious.

So really, here is just my list from notes of foods that I miss… to be clear, originally I was going to make a post of just foods I missed and then restaurants that I missed, but at this point, I’ll just let you see the list I have.

Most missed American foods

Anyways, this is a running list… so I’m sure I will think of more things I’m missing… now I’m really hungry.

And for those of you who are interested in trying some amazing local cuisine in Providence, RI, try some of those above listed spots!!!!

As an expat, or just when you travel, what foods do you miss the most from home?

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